Noticeboard & Mission Update 28th August & 4th September 2022
This is our combined Noticeboard and Mission Update 28th August & 4th September 2022 Just Click and read. view, print the bulletins.
Notice Board Sunday 28th August 2022 & Sunday 4th September 2022 Nineth and Tenth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday 28th August
8.00am Holy Communion 9.00am Morning Worship 10.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion 10.30am Morning Worship 4.00pm Service & Tea 8.00am Morning Prayer 9.00am Holy Communion 9.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Morning Worship 10.30am Holy Communion 8.00am Holy Communion 8.00am Holy Communion 9.00am Morning Worship 10.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Morning Worship 10.30am Morning Worship
St Peter & St Paul, Ash
St Peter ’ s, Ridley
St Peter & St Paul, Ash St Mary ’ s Fawkham
St Mary Magdalene, Longfield
St Peter ’ s, Ridley
Sunday 4th September
St Peter & St Paul, Ash St Mary ’ s, Fawkham
St Peter ’ s, Ridley
St Peter & St Paul, Ash
St Mary Magdalene, Longfield
Wednesday 7th September 10.00am Holy Communion
St Mary ’ s, Fawkham St Peter & St Paul, Ash
Sunday 11th September
St Mary Magdalene, Longfield
St Peter ’ s, Ridley
St Peter & St Paul, Ash Church Centre, Hartley
St Mary Magdalene, Longfield
12.00pm Baptism of
St Mary ’ s, Fawkham
Oscar James
Sunday 18 September
8.00am Morning Prayer 9.00am Holy Communion
St Peter & St Paul, Ash St Mary ’ s, Fawkham
12.30pm Baptism of
All Saints, Hartley
Albie Frederick and Sonny Barry Frank
9.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Morning Worship 10.30am Holy Communion 4.00pm Songs of Praise 8.00am Holy Communion 9.00am Harvest Festival 10.30am Holy Communion & Sunday Club 10.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Morning Worship
St Peter ’ s, Ridley
St Peter & St Paul, Ash
St Mary Magdalene, Longfield
All Saints , Hartley
Wednesday 21st September 10.00am Holy Communion
St Mary Magdalene, Longfield
Sunday 25th September
St Peter & St Paul, Ash
St Peter ’ s, Ridley
Church Centre, Hartley
St Peter & St Paul, Ash
St Mary Magdalene, Longfield
6.00pm Evensong
St Peter ’ s, Ridley
Saturday 3rd September - Jayne and Ollie Ordinations On Saturday 3rd September the Ordinations of Priests and Deacons will take place at Rochester Cathedral. These will be special services for our parish as Jayne will be ordained Priest and Ollie a Deacon. Everyone is welcome at these public services and several members of our congregation are planning to go. If you would like to attend please make it known to others so that we can explore the possibilities to car share.
Ordination of Priests
- Jayne
Ordination of Deacons - Ollie
We pray for all those who are ill or in pain especially Sheila Eames, Roger Smith, Pam Cass, Natasha Warner, John Roberts, Heather Field, Alan Strachan, Laurie Francis, Jenny Crook and Roger Howsam.
For the departed Marian Harvey, Doreen Smith and Arthur Derek Hattersley
In Remembrance Janet Anne Walford, Vi Robbirt and Derek Stevens
Please let Liz Houlding, our Parish Administrator know if you are planning to attend a service around the anniversary of the death of a loved one and would like to hear their name remembered in the intercessions for that Sunday. Please give as much notice as possible.
If you have a bread maker could you bring some dough for the next Sunday Club on 25th September? The children will be making our harvest loaf during Sunday Club for the following week and if we have enough dough they will be able to take a dough mouse home as well. Recipe will be provided. Please let Christine know if you can help.
Monday Bible Study Group 7.30pm on Zoom We continue to study Acts. Joining instructions are sent to everyone on the Parish distribution each week. Please let Jayne know if you are not receiving them.
Songs of Praise Songs of Praise will be back on 18th September. Please send your hymn choices to Mandy. If you would like to bring some cakes for the refreshments afterwards they will be very welcome.
Ride and Stride, the Fund raising event run by Friends of Kent Churches is here again on Saturday 10 th September. If you like to walk or cycle now is your chance to raise money through sponsorship for the Friends and our parish by doing a sponsored walk or cycle ride. Both All Saints and St. Mary ’ s will be open to log in participants and offer refreshments. Gill Cramp is looking for volunteers to cover two hourly slots at each church between 10am and 6pm. You can also get sponsorship for this activity. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Please contact Gill Cramp if you can help and for more information and sponsor forms. Her email address is and her phone number is 01474 704849.
All Saints Repairs Update
The builders BW May will be starting work on the repairs required to the chancel ceiling at All Saints in the week beginning 22 nd August. All Saints will be opened for private prayer as soon as the work has been completed and the church has been cleaned. Our first service at All Saints is likely to be Songs of Praise on 18th September. A further announcement will be made later when the dates have been confirmed.
While All Saints has been closed we have unfortunately noticed a worsening of the cracks in the rear vestry wall and roof apex. The Rochester diocesan surveyor inspected the cracks last week and has advised us to engage a structural engineer to further investigate the issue and advise on next actions. It is likely that the recent hot and dry weather has caused the surrounding ground to contract resulting in some subsidence. When the weather becomes wetter the surveyor suspects there could be further movement in the vestry walls, possibly even reversing the recent movement.
The condition of the Vestry walls and roof apex will not prevent us from re - opening All Saints after the Chancel ceiling is repaired but the surveyor thinks some work will be required later this year and/or early 2023. We will know more when the structural engineer has examined the vestry and reported to us on his findings. A further update will be distributed when we know more.
Parish Calendars — Now Available
Our 2023 Parish Calendars (£10 each) have been printed and can be purchased after most church services. Please contact Christine on if you need to arrange an alternative method of collection. We have already sold or have orders for over a 100. Thank you everyone who has purchased so far.
PS. We are already planning the 2024 calendar so please get snapping if you would like to enter next year. Summer photos especially .
Thank you everyone who helped, brought cakes and things to sell and supported the event.
We raised £232!!!!!!!
Pop In
at the Church Centre every Thursday
from 10am - 12pm
Join us for a tea or coffee & catch up.
Every Monday - 2pm until 4pm
Church Centre
Bring a craft or hobby & join us for a chat & refreshments. Everyone is welcome
Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
O God, you declare your almighty power most chiefly in showing mercy and pity: mercifully grant to us such a measure of your grace, that we, running the way of your commandments, may receive your gracious promises, and be made partakers of your heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you,
Almighty and everlasting God, you are always more ready to hear than we to pray and to give more than either we desire or deserve: pour down upon us the abundance of your mercy, forgiving us those things of which our conscience is afraid and giving us those good things which we are not worthy to ask but through the merits and mediation
of Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen
Priest - in - Charge of Fawkham & Hartley and Longfield :
The Parishes of Fawkham & Hartley & Longfield are currently in vacancy. If you wish to contact our parishes please contact our Group Clergy or Parish Administrator .
Group Clergy
The Revd. Helen Reeves
01474 872209
The Revd. Elizabeth Robertson
01474 871637
The Revd. Jayne Shillito (curate)
01474 708696
Fawkham & Hartley and Longfield Administrator & Noticeboard/Mission Update
Liz Houlding
01474 630459
Safeguarding Officers
Fawkham & Hartley
Lucie Sleeman
01474 706640
Marion Strachan
01732 851714
Fawkham & Hartley Church Centre Bookings
Phyllis Conroy
01474 702795
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